Connecting with the Millenials

A green background with red and blue letters.

Today I was a hypocrite.I stood in a long line waiting for a ticket while I watched the 20-something-year-old behind the desk chew his gum and work at a leisurely pace while several other employees walked by without offering any assistance. The other “older” people in line said things like “I’ve been waiting for 20…

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Connecting Now

A green background with yellow letters and a plane.

If I could go back in time, I would do a lot of things differently. The more I thought about this statement, the more I thought. From elementary school to high school… college… to being a wife, a friend, a sister… don’t even get me started on being a mother. We all have regrets. We…

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Connecting Over Sex

A green background with red and blue letters.

Teenagers are having sex.  It almost feels inappropriate to write this.  Why?  They have been having sex for decades, centuries, so why would that feel inappropriate?  According to the CDC in 2011, almost 50% of teens have had sex.  That is a lot.  It is half of a high school.  Half of the Honors kids. …

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Connecting Pharmacologically

A green background with yellow letters and a plane.

Horse tranquilizers?  That is what kids will take today to get high?  Not only will they take Ketamine, but they have already given it the nickname of Special K, or just “K” for short.  While this drug is more regularly used on humans, adolescents know this drug as a horse tranquilizer and still continue to…

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Connecting With Teachers

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A new Harvard study has shown that the quality of teachers matters over the long term, leading to more earning potential, a greater likelihood of attending college, and even a decrease in teenage pregnancy. I read on, curious about what made these teachers “good”. Having previously worked in a school setting, I was not surprised…

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Connecting With Our Children

A green background with yellow letters and a plane.

I wish I had a dollar for every time a client said to me that my children are so fortunate to be parented by me. They have benefitted from my practical suggestions themselves and at times even marvel (to my delight!) at my wisdom. I then promptly remind them that when your heart is involved,…

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Connecting Through Grief

A green background with yellow letters and a plane.

We all know someone who has passed away, and we’ve all comforted someone who is grieving.  Our first experience with death stays with us.  Perhaps a grandparent or other older relative passed away.  We might notice someone wearing a ribbon or read an obituary that asks us to offer condolences.  As a therapist, I’ve run…

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Connecting Over Weed?

A green background with red and blue letters.

“Weed”.  That is what they call it now.  I learned very quickly in my private practice that if I were going to talk with teenagers about their drug use, I had to stop saying “pot”.  And “smoke” usually means smoke marijuana, where in my youth that meant actual cigarettes.  I still feel funny when I…

Read More Blog Submission: Does Your Therapist Like You?

A green background with yellow letters and a plane.

I was asked to submit another blog to’s website.  You can read my discussion below, or find it at: Most professionals in the helping profession chose their job purposefully.  We enjoy helping, listening, and problem solving.  I found an online quiz that supposedly determines if one would make a good therapist.  It asked…

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Connecting Kindly

A green background with red and blue letters.

I presented last month on a topic I’ve been studying, learning about, and practicing with for over ten years. Overweight adolescents, bullying and self esteem. What is it about our society that teaches one must never discriminate or be prejudiced against others for reasons such as race, culture or socioeconomic status, but then considers discrimination…

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