Connecting Over Books (the list of 2024)

In 2022 and 2023, I posted about books I have referenced and suggested to and it is time to update my list for 2024.  As stated in the previous years,  Some of my clients who have known me for a long time smile when I open my office closet doors during a session, perhaps in anticipation of what I am going to show them.  Quite often, I pull out a book that is verbatim of the discussion we just had, out loud, in my office.

The books don’t always teach, but they offer more information.  The books can rarely fix, but they offer tools.  The books may feel unhelpful and even that is telling.  I have bought hundreds of books over the years, and I made a list of the ones I have pulled off the shelf just in (2024) for one reason or another.

In no particular order, the books are all listed below.  The *** means it seems to be more often on my desk than on my bookshelf.

I learn most from you, so please send me a message if you also love one of these, or if there are any you reference you would have added that I did not.


Eating Disorders
Reference:  Eating Disorders (Mehler and Anderson)
***Treating the Eating Disorder Self (Cohen)
The Radically Open DBT Workbook for Eating Disorders (Hall, Fletcher, Simic)

5 Minute Journal
Start Where You Are (Patel)
***I am the Hero of My Own Life (West)

Self-Reflection/ Understanding YOU
No Bad Parts (Schwartz)
***Letting Go (Hawkins)
***Come as You Are (Nagoski) & Burnout (Nagoski)

Til Stress Do Us Part (Earnshaw)
Fight Right (Gottman)
Hold Me Tight (Johnson)

****Complex PTSD (Walker)
Repeat After Me (Black)
Transforming the Living Legacy of Trauma (Fisher)
What My Bones Know (Foo)

***Feeling Good (Burns)
DBT Skills Workbook (McKay, Wood)
DBT Skills Workbook for Teens (Mentor Bucket)
DBT Workbook (McKay and Brantley)

What I Wish You Knew (Weingarten)
*Have You Filled a Bucket Today? (McCloud)
***Girls on the Brink (Nakazawa)
***No Drama Discipline (Siegel)
The Anxious Generation (Haidt)
Executive Functioning in Children and Adolescents

Overcoming Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviors (Mangueto, Vaurich, & Golumb)
Young People Hearing Voices (Escher & Romme)
Thriving With Anxiety (Rosmarin)
The Worry Trick (Carbonel)
OCD in Children and Adolescents (March, Mulle)
***Stop Obsessing (Foa, Wilson)

Understanding YOU
The Drama of a Gifted Child (Miller)
***Adult Children of Alcoholics (Wolitz)
***Come As You Are (Nagoski)

On Death and Dying (Kubler Ross)
On Grief and Grieving (Kubler Ross)
Hope for the Best, Plam for the Rest (Winemaker and Seow)

Disarming the Narcissist (Beharir)
The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and the House (Mackesy)

I know 2025 is just beginning, and there is a lot on our minds.  We are here when you need us.  Thank you as always for your trust.

I did a few videos on parenting last month.  I started the year beginning the short series about stress vs. overwhelmed vs. anxiety and how to manage them. If you missed them, you can find them here and here.