Introducing Ellen!


A woman with long black hair smiles for the camera.


Introducing Ellen!

From the moment we first spoke, I knew Ellen was an exceptional listener, a thoughtful responder, and a dedicated advocate for her clients.  Ellen Lazar is an experienced therapist, CADC and LCSW, She began seeing clients with Lynn Zakeri LCSW Clinical Services, PLLC in 2021, and I am grateful she joined me.

As she listens to her clients describe their own histories, their families, and their extended families, she integrates elements such as their physical environment, relationships, trauma, developmental and chronological stages into her holistic treatment approach.  She explains that “When clients identify patterns they struggle with, they have “Aha”  moments; they recognize the how and why of their feelings. That gives them choices for how they want to live: the values, actions and feelings they want to have and how to create them… This practice is key to rebuilding understanding, empathy and love in any relationship. From adolescents through adults in any stage of life, relationships are vital to our well-being.”

With her background in public schools and institutional settings, as well as additional certifications in alcohol and substance dependence, Ellen works with individuals, couples, and families, addressing challenges across the lifespan, including navigating complex friendships, anxiety about forming new relationships, and managing roles such as setting boundaries with adult children or caring for aging parents.

For couples, Ellen helps unravel resentments and suppressed emotions, which fosters vulnerability and healing. Describing her work with couples Ellen explained,  “couples face challenges like never before: Our fast-paced lives, especially when there are children, often means we don’t take the time to process our communication with our partners. We’re too tired after our long days. Without taking time for each other, we grow farther apart. And it can get contentious. Couples counseling helps unravel the origins of these resentments. Suppressed emotions rise to the surface and they may be uncomfortable. But that’s when partners are vulnerable. That’s when the healing begins”.

Her counseling style is conversational, drawing on cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) frameworks as well as attachment theory, trauma and executive functioning. She helps clients reframe negative beliefs, engage in meaningful change, and build a strength-based self-image.

Ellen believes in guiding clients through the emotional ebbs and flows of life, fostering resilience and acceptance so that challenges become manageable rather than overwhelming. Ellen is also my go-to when I need advice or a compassionate ear. She knows just what to say and helps me move forward with confidence. Ellen is licensed in Illinois (IL) providing in-person and online therapy, as well as in Florida (FL), Georgia (GA), Michigan (MI), Indiana (IN), Missouri (MO), Arizona (AZ), and Utah (UT), with Wisconsin (WI). She offers in-person therapy, virtual/online mental health therapy, and hybrid sessions.

If you want to inquire about her openings and schedule with Ellen, I will introduce you right away: Simply send me an email at [email protected]

Thank you as always, for your trust in me.

Lynn Zakeri LCSW Clinical Services, PLLC

Three people standing on a path near some bushes

Posted Previously: Announcing!

You would probably strongly agree that therapy should not add additional stress to your life. That is why I have struggled over the years having to ask clients to juggle times, work around my openings, and even to find other therapists. I recently began the process of trying to find therapists who complement my practice, who are intuitive and smart, and who I would trust if I were looking for a therapist.

I got so lucky. I found some really special people that I now get to call my associates (independent contractors). If you want to learn more aboutEllen, or David, you can simply click their name or find them in my blog posts with announcements about their style and experience. If you want to inquire about their openings and schedule with them, I will introduce you right away, simply send me an email at[email protected]

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Lynn Zakeri

Owner of Lynn Zakeri LCSW Clinical Services, PLLC, Licensed Clinical Social Worker. Making the first appointment is the hardest step, and I ensure that you are comfortable and at ease from the first contact. I feel that my strengths lie in my ability to make connections and foster a warm relationship, even with those who are apprehensive. This is because of the improvements and benefits seen almost immediately.
